My kinky darlings
I have news to share with you.
From 1st September 2021, I have a big change happening. My sessions availability times are changing. This change is PERMANENT.
From 1st September, I will be available at the following times for sessions.
Monday - Thursdays - 5pm until 8pm inclusive.
These sessions MUST be booked in advance! NO EXCEPTIONS.
Fridays/Saturdays - 10am - 6pm inclusive.
Same day bookings ARE available on these days.
Sundays (By prearranged appointment only
NO same-day bookings) 4pm - 6pm ONLY

I am going to reflect this everywhere that is relevant on my website.
To some degree, I can be flexible in which weekday I offer early morning appointments. This will strictly be by pre-arranged appointments ONLY. But on the whole, these are the official times in which I shall be available for sessions. Same-day sessions will only be available for the above days and times. NO EXCEPTIONS.
For those of you who can only session mornings, I recommend Fridays wherever possible, or the weekends.
But I already know for many of you, sessions from 5pm onwards will be very welcome indeed!
Oh ... and please be aware that I will expect you to ensure you are clean and fresh when you arrive at my chambers, even if you intend on visiting me straight after you have finished in your own day job!!
Stinky parts are strictly a turn off and a definite session refusal!
I will remind you again a little nearer to the time - and look forward to seeing YOU again very soon!
Mistress Nichol X
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